1. html element: th: headers

  2. headers http header: `accept-ch` client hint accept (response) header: `viewport-width` token

  3. headers http header: `accept-ch` client hint accept (response) header: `width` token

  4. headers http header: access-control-allow-headers: `authorization` header is not covered by wildcard

  5. headers http header: access-control-allow-methods

  6. headers http header: access-control-allow-methods: wildcard (`*`)

  7. headers http header: access-control-request-method

  8. headers http header: authorization

  9. headers http header: authorization: `authorization` header removed from cross-origin redirects

  10. headers http header: authorization: `basic` authentication

  11. headers http header: authorization: `digest` authentication

  12. headers http header: authorization: `digest` authentication: md5 digest authentication

  13. headers http header: authorization: `digest` authentication: sha2-256 digest authentication

  14. headers http header: authorization: `digest` authentication: sha2-512 digest authentication

  15. headers http header: authorization: `negotiate` (kerberos) authentication

  16. headers http header: authorization: `ntlm` authentication

  17. headers http header: clear-site-data: `"clienthints"`

  18. headers http header: content-length

  19. headers http header: content-length: cors-safelisted response header

  20. headers http header: content-security-policy: script-src: external scripts with hash

  21. headers http header: permissions-policy: bluetooth

  22. headers http header: proxy-authenticate

  23. headers http header: range: cors-safelisted request header with single `bytes` range

  24. headers http header: referer: length limited to 4096 bytes

  25. headers http header: `viewport-width` request header

  26. headers http header: `width` request header

  27. headers http header: www-authenticate

  28. headers http header: www-authenticate: `basic` authentication

  29. headers http header: www-authenticate: `digest` authentication

  30. headers http header: www-authenticate: `digest` authentication: md5 digest authentication

  31. headers http header: www-authenticate: `digest` authentication: sha2-256 digest authentication

  32. headers http header: www-authenticate: `digest` authentication: sha2-512 digest authentication

  33. headers http header: www-authenticate: `negotiate` (kerberos) authentication

  34. headers http header: www-authenticate: `ntlm` authentication